How to Say Merry Christmas in Ukrainian

How to Wish Someone a Merry Christmas in Ukrainian

Christmas is a special and widely celebrated holiday in Ukraine, filled with rich traditions and warm greetings. If you want to share the joy of the season with Ukrainian friends or family, learning how to say Merry Christmas in Ukrainian is a great way to show your festive spirit. In this article, we will explore various ways to say Merry Christmas in Ukrainian and provide examples for different contexts.

How to Say Merry Christmas in Ukrainian

Want to know how to say Merry Christmas in Ukrainian? Ukrainians usually do not wish a happy Christmas but say “Z Rizdvóm Khrystóvym!” This means congratulations on the birth of Christ. Often, this phrase is shortened to “Z Rizdvóm,” and everyone understands what is meant.

If you want something closer to the traditional “Merry Christmas,” use the phrase “Veséloho Rizdvá.” It is not as popular as the previous one, but it can also be used.

Another traditional Christmas greeting in Ukraine is “Khrystós sya rozhdáye!” It literally means “Christ is born!” and is used as a greeting. The response to this is “Slavýmo Yohó!” which means “Let us glorify Him.”

Different Examples to Say Merry Christmas in Ukrainian:

  • Z Rizdvóm Khrystóvym. This is the most common way to say Merry Christmas in Ukrainian, meaning “With Christ’s Birth.” Example: “Z Rizdvóm Khrystóvym! Bahato shchastya i radosti!” (Merry Christmas! Lots of happiness and joy!)
  • Z Rizdvóm. A shorter version, “Z Rizdvóm” is also widely used and understood as Merry Christmas. Example: “Z Rizdvóm! Nekhaj u tebe bude chudesne sviato!” (Merry Christmas! May you have a wonderful holiday!)
  • Veséloho Rizdvá. This phrase means “Merry Christmas” in a more direct translation and is used less frequently but still understood. Example: “Veséloho Rizdvá! Nekhaj tvoye Rizdvo bude napovneno radistyu!” (Merry Christmas! May your Christmas be filled with joy!)
  • Khrystós sya rozhdáye! This traditional greeting means “Christ is born!” and is used during Christmas celebrations. Example: “Khrystós sya rozhdáye! Slavimo Yoho!” (Christ is born! Let us glorify Him!)
  • Radisnoho Rizdvá. Another way to say Merry Christmas, meaning “Joyful Christmas.” Example: “Radisnoho Rizdvá! Nekhaj spokiy i lyubov buduť z toboyu!” (Joyful Christmas! May peace and love be with you!)

Remember, a few days after Christmas, Ukrainians celebrate the New Year. This is also an important holiday, and you can congratulate in advance. “Z pryjdeshnim Novym rokom” means Happy New Year that is coming soon. This phrase can be said simultaneously with the Christmas greeting.


Knowing how to say Merry Christmas in Ukrainian can help you share the festive spirit with friends and family. Whether you use the traditional “Z Rizdvóm Khrystóvym” or the cheerful “Veséloho Rizdvá,” your efforts will bring joy to those around you. Practice these phrases and enjoy the warmth and connection of the holiday season with your Ukrainian loved ones.


What is the most common way to say Merry Christmas in Ukrainian?

The most common way to say Merry Christmas in Ukrainian is “Z Rizdvóm Khrystóvym.”

How do you say Merry Christmas in a shorter form in Ukrainian? 

You can say “Z Rizdvóm,” which is a shorter and widely understood version to  say Merry Christmas in Ukrainian.

What is a direct translation of Merry Christmas in Ukrainian? 

A direct translation is “Veséloho Rizdvá.”

What traditional phrase is used during Christmas in Ukraine?

The traditional phrase is “Khrystós sya rozhdáye!” meaning “Christ is born!”

How can you wish someone a joyful Christmas in Ukrainian? 

You can say “Radisnoho Rizdvá,” which means “Joyful Christmas.”

Ludmila Khedyk – Expert Copywriter with 11+ Years of Freelance Experience
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Ludmila Khedyk is an experienced copywriter with over 11 years of freelancing expertise and a graduate of Uman National University of Horticulture. She collaborates with WeaveMoney, skillfully turning complex information into accessible insights. With a portfolio of more than 100,000 written works, Ludmila excels at making intricate topics both understandable and engaging.

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