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How to Write a Book – 7 Useful Tips for Beginner Writers and Confident Entrepreneurs

If you are a confident entrepreneur with something to share with the world, why not put it into a book and earn some additional income? It’s a great idea, but few know how to write a book and what it takes. It might seem that you need innate talent, but in reality, it’s more important to know what you’re writing about and have enough perseverance. Our tips will help you finally start creating your own masterpiece.

How to Write a Book – 7 Practical Tips

If you’re ready to share your experience and put it into a printed edition, it’s time to learn how to write a book, where to start, and how not to abandon your work halfway.

  1. Define what your book is about and, most importantly, who it is for. If you want to share your experience with beginners, choose topics that interest those who are just starting their journey in business. Remember yourself at the beginning of your path. What interested you, what scared you, what questions did you want to hear answers to from experienced colleagues? If the book is addressed to experienced individuals, use more complex terminology and avoid basic knowledge.
  2. Make a plan and write brief theses for each chapter. Of course, many changes will be made over time, but it’s important to keep each version to refer back to it later.
  3. Schedule your writing time. Writing a book is not so much creativity as hard work. Over time, inspiration and desire may diminish, but the habit of writing a certain number of words or pages regularly will keep you from abandoning your work. If inspiration strikes outside your schedule, be sure to have a notebook or other tool to jot down fresh ideas. They will definitely come in handy later.
  4. Don’t be afraid to show your written pages. Many writers deliberately let so-called alpha readers read individual chapters. These first readers can provide feedback and suggest improvements or changes.
  5. Pay attention to the structure of the text and each sentence. Long, data-heavy sentences are hard to read and understand. Such literature will tire the reader and discourage them from continuing. If a sentence can be broken into several, do so. Try to use short paragraphs and structured lists where possible. This will make the information easier to perceive and the book more interesting.
  6. Read. Whenever you have free time, read other authors. If you don’t know how to write a book, learn from those who have already done it. Their thoughts can inspire new ideas. You can borrow techniques and learn something new from experienced writers. Of course, no one condones plagiarism, but this is not about copying, it’s about finding sources of inspiration.
  7. Don’t give up on writing the book. Every writer has moments when it seems that all their writing is worthless, the topic is uninteresting, and they lack the talent to write even two sentences. It’s important not to give up and continue writing, little by little, a few pages at a time, and inspiration will surely return.

Also read our article – 8 Practical Strategies for How to Make Money on TikTok.

How to write a book - practical tips

How to Write a Book – When to Edit?

You already know how to write a book, but when should you edit it and perfect it? Most experienced writers do not recommend editing immediately during the writing process. It’s hard to assess the quality of freshly written text due to the peculiarities of human perception. So give yourself some time to “cool down” before starting to edit. How long you should wait is a personal matter.

How to write a book by yourself

What to Do When the Book is Written

So, the book is ready. The question of how to write a book is solved, but what’s next? If you have a literary agent, everything that happens next is their job. Most beginner writers do not have one, so you will have to do everything yourself. Before submitting your manuscript to a publisher:

  • Format all the pages consistently – font, spacing, margins, chapter titles, etc.
  • Number the pages.
  • Add a table of contents and a title page.
  • Study the requirements of the chosen publisher and ensure your work meets them.
  • Prepare your resume and a cover letter for the publisher describing your book.
  • Send the letter and wait for a positive response.

The difficult waiting period will eventually end. Don’t be discouraged if the first publisher rejects your work. Many writers have gone through this path. There are other publishers, or you can finance the print yourself or through sponsors, publish online, for example, on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing –there are many options.

How to Write and Self-Publish a Book – Video

To learn more about not only writing a book but also self-publishing it, watch the video: 

How to write and publish a book – YouTube video.


Most tips on how to write a book boil down to starting and working every day. Plan your work, work diligently, don’t procrastinate, and learn from others’ experiences, and everything will surely work out.

Frequently Asked Questions About Writing a Book

How to write a book, how many words should it have?

The number of words depends on the topic and the author’s preference, ideally up to 100,000-120,000.

Where to start writing a book?

If you don’t know how to write a book but want to start, plan your work time and the content of the book, its chapters.

How to write a book if inspiration and motivation are gone?

The main thing is not to stop. Even if you experience writer’s block, you need to move forward bit by bit. Even one page of text is better than none.

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Steve Davey is the chief editor and author of the English-language section at our portal. With a keen eye for compelling topics in American media, Steve not only shares his insights but also occasionally translates them for our audience. His expertise in uncovering engaging stories and his editorial skills contribute significantly to the richness of our content.

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